AFGC Vision

Empower people to beautify Arizona communities while conserving our natural resources.

AFGC Mission Statement

To provide education, resources, and networking opportunities; to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility to members and the public.

We are a group of gardeners who have organized on a local, state, national, and international level. Sixteen local clubs and two plant societies make up the Arizona Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. Fifty State Garden Clubs, the National Capital Area Garden Club, and 447 international affiliates make up the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Our members create a powerful voice and expansive network for advancing common interests, not only from our local communities but all over the world.

We work together to share:

  • Our love of gardening and design
  • Our concern for the conservation of our natural resources
  • Our desire to educate our youth about gardening and the natural world
  • Our commitment to better our communities through civic projects

We promote the love and knowledge of gardening through speakers, conferences, schools, and scholarships. We host and promote NGC landscape design, gardening, environmental, and flower show schools, which are available via Zoom to members and the general public. We also provide scholarships to local students studying various horticulture, landscape design, and environmental-related programs. We also partner with a wide range of local, state, and national organizations to support and actively participate in community projects.

AFGC and our clubs emphasize and promote good conservation practices including wise water use in planning community projects and in our landscapes. The use of appropriate plants is of the highest priority for both conservation purposes and to ensure invasive species are not used in plantings or designs.


What it Means to be Associated with NGC and PRC.

National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC) is the largest volunteer gardening organization in the world with approximately 142,000 garden club members in 4,075 clubs and 288 International Affiliate Member Organizations.

The Pacific Region Garden Clubs, Inc. is one of eight regions that make up National Garden Clubs, Inc.  It is comprised of Washington, Arizona, California, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Alaska, and Hawaii.  WACONIAH is the PRGC newsletter.

The mission of National Garden Clubs, Inc. is to provide education, resources, and national networking opportunities for its members to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility.  It helps to coordinate the interests and activities of state and local garden clubs in the U.S. and abroad. National Garden Clubs, Inc. is a not-for-profit (501)(c)(3) educational organization with its headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri, United States.

Environmental Mission Statement:

The environmental mission of National Garden Clubs, Inc. is to review the environmental problems and their possible solutions, to promote environmental literacy, and to advocate sound environmental stewardship.

Conservation Pledge:

“I pledge to protect and conserve the natural resources of the planet earth and promise to promote education so we may become caretakers of our air, water, forest, land, and wildlife.”

When local garden clubs join together with state, regional, and national levels, a strong network is formed to make a powerful voice that can be heard nationally to address current issues.