Convention Sponsorship Opportunities

Promote Your Business with AFGC

AFGC Members and Affiliates want to know about you!

By reserving a sponsorship, your business will be able to promote your services and products on the state website, in the convention program, and onsite during the convention. Last year’s Sponsors have first right-of-refusal privileges for securing the same spot in the next AFGC Convention.

*Ask about how to secure ad space in the next AFGC Yearbook.

Sonoran Sponsor: 4 Available at $3,000/event or In-kind donation

Program full-page ad + corporate logo on website + social media and event recognition + event signage + event vendor booth + banquet tickets

Saguaro Sponsor: 5 Available at $1,000/event or In-kind donation

Program half-page ad + corporate logo on website + social media and event recognition + event signage + event vendor booth + banquet tickets

Palo Verde Sponsor: 10 Available at $600/event or In-kind donation

Program quarter-page ad + corporate logo on website + social media and event recognition + event signage + event vendor booth + Banquet tickets

Mesquite Sponsor: 10 Available at $300/event or In-kind donation

Corporate logo in program and on website + social media and event recognition + event signage + swag bag opportunity

Prickly Pear Sponsor: Unlimited at $100/event or In-kind donation

Corporate logo in program and on website + social media and event recognition + event signage + swag bag opportunity

*Please contact about other Sponsorship Level opportunities.