
The Arizona Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. (AFGC) delights in offering a one-year $5,000 scholarship to a qualified student who is an AZ resident, has completed two years of college, and meets a career path listed in the Guidelines. Completed application must be submitted by February 1 to the AFGC Scholarship Chair, for the following academic year.

The AFGC winning student’s application is automatically forwarded to the National Garden Clubs for the opportunity to be awarded an additional $4,000 and to the Pacific Region Garden Clubs, Inc. (PRGC) for a possible $1,000 scholarship.

The Arizona Federation of Garden Clubs’ tradition of providing scholarships to deserving students is deeply rooted.  For additional information about scholarship requirements, please contact the AFGC Scholarship Chair.


Download and review the rules and procedures before completing your application: Application Guidelines.

Download the application forms here:

Scholarship Application Form

Financial Aid Form

To submit your completed Application and all attachments to the AFGC Scholarship Chair, click here