My Seed Saving Journey

I had never heard anything about seed saving before moving to Sedona AZ from MN in 2016. I joined the Verde Thumbs Garden Club in 2017 to learn about gardening in my new environment. The leader of this club, Janice Montgomery (a long-time avid gardener and seed saver) introduced me to the idea of seed saving.

I was amazed to learn that plants would adapt to the growing conditions of your garden if you saved the seeds to replant the next year! Thus began my journey of seed saving which has become somewhat of an obsession with me, lol.

There has been much to learn, but that has been part of the fun. When is the seed ready, how to collect it, how to separate the seed from the chaff? Thank goodness for YouTube, fellow gardeners, and seed-saving books. Be sure to check AFGC Announces Modernized Website.

By Peggy Ahola