Plant America
NGC President Brenda Moore has divided the PLANT AMERICA Project into three separate projects. An extensive explanation of her projects is available on
PLANT AMERICA, FEED AMERICA is a campaign to help feed the hungry across America. You can participate by either growing your vegetables or fruits or volunteering in a community garden that donates some of its harvest to organizations that help fight food insecurity.
PLANT AMERICA – LANDSCAPE FOR LIFE is a program to encourage creating a habitat that enables wildlife to live in harmony with personal gardens. You select what wildlife you want to focus on and provide their needs such as food, a clean water source, and cover. By selecting native plants and trees you supply fruit and seeds for native wildlife.
Sustainability and biodiversity are the secrets to creating a wildlife habitat. Afterward, you can register your garden as an NGC-certified Wildlife Habitat and
buy a plaque for your garden.
PLANT AMERICA – PLANT FOR POLLINATORS recognizes that pollinators are vital to our food sources. “Bees pollinate 1 in 3 bites of food that we eat and are essential to the health and prosperity of countless ecosystems.”
By using native plants and trees we can provide pollen, nectar, and berries to support our pollinators. If we add a water source along with areas to raise their young, we can create the perfect ecosystem for our valued pollinators.
Your yard can be recognized as an NGC Certified Pollinator Garden and you can buy NGC’s yard sign.
Surely, one of these projects is perfect for you or your club to support.

Visit the National Garden Club website for more information about the PLANT AMERICA program.
Need money for a project?
Check our NGC’s PLANT AMERICA Grants program. Up to $2,000 which may be used for physical landscaping or environmental projects, or for horticultural or educational opportunities for the community.
Plant-A-Tree is the new reforestation and forest education program replacing Penny Pines. Each garden club can now participate with contributions helping the Forest Service plant trees across the national forest system where reforestation is needed most – places most impacted by wildfires, drought, flooding and other forest disturbances. States, regions, districts, clubs, and/or individuals may participate in this new program.
- Donation Amount – Donations were previously required in increments of $68.00. Donors can now contribute any amount, starting at $50.00 to as large as $10,000.
- Certificates – As of May 31, 2025, mailed certificates to donors will no longer be provided. Digital certificates will be offered that donors can customize and print themselves. All donors will be asked to provide their email address so NGC can electronically send out tax receipts and online certificate links with instructions.
- Donating to Specified Forests – Donors may choose to have their donation be placed where it is most needed [as determined by the Forest Service] or they may select a specific National Forest. However, the Forest Service reserves the right to utilize these funds based on need. If a National Forest is specified where there is no tree planting need, the donation may be used for another forest.
- Donate Online – Donating online is the preferred way of donating. NGC accepts debit and credit cards, PayPal and Venmo. Go to National Garden Clubs, Inc. – Forms Library – for the fill-in form.
- Donate by Mail – Donations may still be made by check. Mail the completed form with check to:
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
National Headquarters
4401 Magnolia Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110-3492