Pacific Region’s “Unleash the Wild – Bring Nature Home” contest ends April 19, 2025. A checklist for you to circle items you have in your yard that help wildlife is found in the next blog, “Check List for Unleash the Wild Contest”.

Complete the checklist, copy and paste it to an email, and send to You can submit multiple lists as you add more items to your yard that help wildlife.

The Basics:

**Goal objectives: To educate members and others about the need to help wildlife and to do something to help the natural world in our own yards.

**If you have already incorporated measures to help wildlife in your yard, great! Circle those items on the checklist in the next blog. If something in your yard is not on the list, add it to the bottom of the checklist. You earn a point for each thing you have done to make your yard wildlife friendly. Send the list to Debbie at

**When you add a new measure to entice nature to your yard, great! Take a point for each new item you add to your yard and send a description and photo/s to Debbie at

**Club, district, and state projects earn points based on the number of participants involved in a new project. Send Debbie a brief description of the project and photo/s, along with the number of club members and non-club members who participated.


a. The BRING NATURE HOME AWARD goes to the Pacific Region garden club with the most points earned by April 19, 2025. Be sure to include your club’s name and state when submitting your information.

b. HOMEGROWN NATIONAL PARK AWARD – Peruse the information on the website If you qualify, add your yard to the website map. This award is for the increase in number of participants from April 19, 2023 to April 19, 2025. This award will be based on the per capita increase per state.

By Karen Bowen
Karen is a member of Yuma Orchid and African Violet Society and is Pacific Region Butterfly Chairman.

Photo 1 Karen Bowen
Geraniums growing in your yard help feed wildlife. On the checklist, circle #7 (Have plants that feed butterflies, bees, and hummers).