Marianne Newton (Moody Garden Club)
Peggy Ahola (Sedona Area Garden Club)
Susan Salembier (Scottsdale Garden Club)
Renee Waite (Designers and Weeders Garden Club)
Kelyee Ledesma (Moody Garden Club)
Jamie Dick (Scottsdale Garden Club)
Jennifer Moreland (Tucson Garden Club)
Carol Parrott (Scottsdale Garden Club)


AFGC Greenleaf Blog is for ALL AFGC officers and members to post gardening information, club activities, travel adventures, your favorite plants, insects, birds, etc., and much more! Send blogs and 1-5 photos (captions and names of photographers) to If you have questions, send them to the same address and I’ll answer them.

Karen Bowen, AFGC Blog Manager

Photo 1 Karen Bowen
Every blog is fun for our AFGC membership to read!