Pecan Grove Garden Club – Diamond Club

Federated in 1949, currently 10 members

Making Yuma beautiful through gardening

Club Mission Statement: To provide education, resources, and networking opportunities to promote the love of gardening, floral design, civic beautification, and environmental responsibility to members and the public.

Arbor Day Tree Planting: Executive Board
Home and Garden Show: Executive Board
Community Bazaar: Cindy and Sarah Carey
Youth: Marlena Parrott
Yearbook: Marlena Parrott
Girl Scout Floral Designs: Sarah Carey
Penny Pines: Sarah Carey
Publicity: Betty McEntire
Habitat for Humanity Trees: Sue Ibrahim
Facebook: Betty McEntire, Sarah Carey

Arbor Day Tree Planting
Home and Garden Show Plant Sale
Girl Scout Floral Design Workshop
Penny Pines
Habitat for Humanity Tree Planting
W. District Coordinator of NGC Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Contest and NGC Poetry Contest

Pecan Grove Garden Club began in 1949 and it was named for the Pecan trees that grew in its area of membership.  Later the boundaries of the Club expanded to encompass members throughout the entire Yuma area.

Club Flower: Red Rose

The word ‘rose’ with all its lovely connotations has no known meaning.  But, the rose is a rose.  In English, French, German, Danish, and Norwegian, it is ‘Rose.’  In Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian, it is ‘Rosa.’

From the shape of the flower, we have the word ‘rosette.’  Rosary beads originally represented the Virgin’s crown of roses, or ‘rosarium,’ as her garland was called in Medieval Latin.

In Memory of Val Colvin

A member of the PGGC for 30+ years, she held every office in those years, but most dear to her was being the Poetry & Essay Contest Chairman.

In Memory of Dorothy Starek

Honored for belonging to the Pecan Grove Garden Club for 58 years.  She was a Master Gardener and held numerous garden club positions at Club, District, and State levels.

Members appreciated that Dorothy shared her knowledge of club history and her expertise in the area of gardening.

Other “long-time” Pecan Grove Members include:
Joan Murray  –  33 years
Willene Calvert  –  25 years
Sharon Jessup – 27 years

Pecan Grove Garden Club – Diamond Club