Presentation of colors by
Young Marines Color Guard, Lt. Col Robert Skankey

History of Blue Star Memorials given by Cerbat Garden Club President Elect Toni Bigelow
Memorials given by Cerbat Garden Club President Elect Toni Bigelow

Invocation given Sandie Womack club Parliamentarian
Also pictured, Joann Olson club president and project chairman
Invocation given Sandie Womack club Parliamentarian

Special guest speaker Judy Kennedy, AFGC president
Judy Kennedy, AFGC

Dedication of marker and presentation to City Parks and Rec, Michael Meersman, Kingman City Mayor Ken Watkins and Cerbat Garden Club President Elect Toni Bigelow

Folding of the Flag Ceremony by commandant Terry Flannagan and Local MC#887 members.

Also, in attendance the Patriotic Guard Riders with Scott Henry Ride, Captain Carol Parrot, AFGC Blue Star Chair Judy Kennedy, AFGC President Joann Olson, CGC President Toni Bigelow CGC President elect Barb Morton, CGC Vice President
Patriotic Guard Riders

Certificates of Appreciation presented to the Patriotic Guard Riders and Terry Flannagan on behalf of the Young Marines and Local MC#887 members.
Certificates of Appreciation