Sponsored by Yuma Orchid & African Violet Society

Arizona’s first Gold-Star Memorial By-Way Marker was dedicated Nov. 7 at Yuma County Foothills Community Park. This new park offers residents a wonderful place to walk, a playground for kids, and a grassy area for people to sit and enjoy nature.

Yuma Orchid & African Violet Society (YOAVS) spent a year purchasing a gold star marker, receiving permission to locate the marker in the park, and organizing the dedication program.

Marilyn Whitenton, YOAVS Secretary, was chairman for this project and worked diligently with Patricia Carpenter, YOAVS President, to ensure the dedication was flawless. Keynote Speakers were Dean Hager, Capt. USNR, and ret. Col. John Nelson, US Army YPG. AFGC Blue Star/Gold Star Chairman, Carol Parrott, presented a history of the Blue Star Memorial Marker program. AFGC President, Judy Kennedy, gave a tribute to gold star families.

AFGC officers that attended the ceremony included Jennifer Moreland, AFGC First Vice President and member of Tucson Garden Club, Sheila Parcel, AFGC Southern District Director, Pacific Region Corresponding Secretary and Second Vice President of Tucson Garden Club, Lydia Reibel, AFGC Western District Director and Treasurer of Yuma Garden Club, and Rosemary Wade, AFGC Website Administrator and Treasurer of Tucson Garden Club.

Darren Simmons Yuma Co. Board of Supervisors #3 and Tiffany Anderson, Director of Yuma Co. Facilities Management Dept., accepted the marker on behalf of Yuma Co.

YOAVS President, Pat Carpenter, and YOAVS Treasurer, Myra Lader, unveiled the marker. US Army YPG Chaplain Maj. Ryan Perse gave the benediction. American Legion Post 19 played TAPS.

Members from Yuma Orchid & African Violet Society, Yuma Garden Club, VFW and the public were also in attendance.

Marilyn Whitenton stated, “YOAVS is proud to sponsor the Gold Star Memorial By-Way Marker and to have an opportunity to honor America’s gold star families whose family members made the ultimate sacrifice to protect America.”

For a garden club wishing to purchase and install a blue or gold star marker, this link explains the entire procedure for obtaining permission and purchasing a marker, plus the history of the markers, a sample dedication program, songs, etc. It is a very useful site.

By Karen Bowen
Karen is a member of Yuma Orchid & African Violet Society and Pacific Region Butterfly Chairman.

Photo 1 Karen Bowen
AFGC members attending the dedication ceremony.

Photo 2 Karen Bowen
The Gold Star Memorial By-Way Marker and wreath created by Lydia Reibel.

Photo 3 Karen Bowen
Marilyn Whitenton, center, and YOAVS Chairman for the dedication, presents the marker to Yuma County representatives, Tiffany Anderson, Director of Yuma Co. Facilities Management Dept., and Darren Simmons, Yuma Co. Board of Supervisors Dist. 3.