Calling all garden club members…a great series of once-a-month zoom meetings will begin in October, given by Robin Pokorski from Pacific Region Garden Clubs. Robin will share lots of great ideas for attracting new members.

Membership Mondays
Beginning October 7 at 1:00 pm EDT
Programs will be the first Monday each month, except for December
Watch for more information & a zoom link

Garden clubs are losing their older members and need to attract new, younger ones. How to do that? Robin will give us some great ideas! Mark your calendar for Oct. 7, 1 p.m. EDT.

If your club has sponsored an activity that drew a lot of public interest, please write a blog and send 1-5 photos and the photographer’s name to It’s great to share ideas that may help other clubs attract new members.

By Karen Bowen
Karen is Pacific Region Butterfly Chairman and member of Yuma Orchid and African Violet Society.

Photo 1 Karen Bowen
Yuma Orchid & African Violet Society held an orchid repotting event and invited the public to bring their orchids for repotting. It was a successful event that offered a great opportunity to tell the public about their club.